Law College Law college Reviews

The University of Petroleum and Engineering Studies -Review

Alaukik Mishra, a third-year student at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun has written this first-hand review of his college.

1. Infrastructure 

The School of Law at the University of Petroleum and Engineering Studies (UPES) is a testament to modern architectural design, fostering an environment conducive to learning and innovation. Spread across 44 acres, the campus, known as ‘Knowledge Acres,’ is a blend of green landscapes and contemporary structures. It houses advanced legal research centres and high-tech laboratories that provide students with hands-on experience in their field of study. The moot court hall is a standout feature, offering a realistic setting for students to practice and perfect their advocacy skills. With a focus on sustainability, the campus integrates eco-friendly practices and smart technology, creating a space that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally advanced.

2. Faculty at UPES School of Law

The faculty at the University of Petroleum and Engineering Studies (UPES) School of Law is a cadre of esteemed educators and legal professionals. Their collective expertise spans various domains of law, contributing to the rich academic fabric of the institution. Notably, several faculty members have been recognized as part of the top 2% of researchers worldwide, an honour bestowed based on the Stanford University list which reflects their scholarly impact and research output.

Among the distinguished faculty, Dr. Ram K Sharma, the Vice Chancellor, is known for his visionary leadership and academic contributions. Dr. Abhishek Sinha, the Associate Dean, is another prominent figure, celebrated for his extensive research and publications in the legal field. These recognitions are based on metrics such as research output, citations, and overall influence within the academic community, as per the Stanford list and the ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ list by Clarivate.

The UPES School of Law faculty’s dedication to teaching, mentorship, and research ensures that students are not only well-versed in legal theories but are also prepared to address contemporary legal challenges with innovative solutions. Their achievements underscore UPES’s commitment to fostering an environment of academic excellence.

3. Fee Structure 

The School of Law at the University of Petroleum and Engineering Studies (UPES) offers a variety of specialized law courses, each designed to cater to the evolving needs of the legal profession. Here’s a detailed overview of the courses and their respective fee structures:

Undergraduate Programs:

Postgraduate Program:

Doctoral Program:

These programs are structured to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of legal principles and their application in different fields. The fees mentioned are indicative and subject to change.

4. Curriculum 

Curriculum at UPES School of Law

The curriculum at UPES School of Law is a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, designed to prepare students for the complexities of the legal profession. The program offers a wide range of specializations, allowing students to focus on areas that align with their career goals:

In addition to these specializations, students can choose from a variety of electives that complement their chosen field, providing a tailored educational experience. The curriculum is further enriched by practical learning opportunities such as moot court competitions, internships, and legal clinics, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to navigate the legal landscape with confidence and expertise1.

5. Facilities 

Facilities at UPES School of Law

The University of Petroleum and Engineering Studies (UPES) School of Law provides a comprehensive array of facilities to ensure a conducive learning environment for students. The campus includes in-campus hostels with a capacity of more than 2000 students, offering well-appointed living spaces with essential amenities1. These hostels are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and are designed to provide a comfortable and secure residential experience.

For healthcare, the university maintains an infirmary that operates 24 hours a day, equipped with an ambulance van for emergencies1. This ensures that medical assistance is readily available for all students and staff members.

Additionally, the campus boasts a gymnasium for fitness enthusiasts, a library with a vast collection of legal resources, and sports facilities that include huge playing fields for various activities1. The IT infrastructure is state-of-the-art, providing high-speed Wi-Fi and modern computer facilities1.

The cafeteria and food courts offer a variety of cuisines, catering to the diverse tastes of the student body1. Moreover, the moot court facility provides a realistic setting for students to practice legal proceedings, enhancing their practical skills1.

These facilities collectively create an environment that supports not only academic pursuits but also the physical well-being and personal growth of students at UPES School of Law.

6. Placements 

Placements at UPES School of Law

The School of Law at UPES boasts an impressive placement record, reflecting the quality of its programs and the readiness of its graduates for the legal profession. In 2023, the highest package offered was INR 16.6 LPA, with an average package of INR 5 LPA. The top recruiters included prestigious firms and organizations such as Eaton, Factum Legal, Pramata, HCL, and Sterlite Power1.

In 2024, the placement drive saw participation from renowned companies like Amazon, ONGC, Adani, Godrej, Maruti Suzuki, Boeing, and Microsoft India, with the highest package reaching INR 33 LPA and an average package of INR 7.02 LPA2. These figures are a testament to the university’s commitment to providing a legal education that equips students with the skills and knowledge demanded by top employers in the field.

7. Student Life 

Student Life at UPES School of Law

Student Life at UPES School of Law with GS3 Involvement

Student life at UPES School of Law is vibrant and multifaceted, offering students a rich tapestry of experiences that extend beyond the classroom. The university is home to a variety of clubs and societies that cater to a wide range of interests:

  • Performing Arts Society (Lazarus): This society includes over seven bands and is known for its cultural contributions to the university life.
  • Art and Design Club: A creative space for students interested in visual arts to collaborate and display their work.
  • Film and Photography Club: A platform for budding filmmakers and photographers to hone their skills.
  • Literary Society: Encourages literary activities, discussions, and fosters a love for reading and writing.
  • Sports Club: Promotes physical fitness and team spirit through various sports activities and tournaments.
  • Adventure Club: Offers opportunities for adventure sports and outdoor activities, fostering a spirit of exploration.
  • Health and Wellness Club: Focuses on health awareness and wellness practices among the student community.

In addition to these, the Global Society of Social Soldiers (GS3) plays a significant role in enriching student life. GS3 is an NGO driven by the students of UPES, dedicated to addressing social issues and providing aid to the underprivileged. The organization undertakes various initiatives such as health awareness camps, educational workshops, and community service projects, offering students the chance to engage in meaningful social work and develop a sense of social responsibility.

The university also hosts events like Uurja, the annual cultural festival, and Wow Wednesdays, which showcase student talents. The National Service Scheme (NSS) at UPES further enriches the social consciousness of students through community service.

This comprehensive approach to student life at UPES School of Law ensures that students not only excel academically but also grow as empathetic and socially conscious individuals, ready to contribute positively to society.

This vibrant student life at UPES School of Law not only enhances the academic experience but also prepares students to become well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact in the world.

8. Senior-Junior Culture

Senior-Junior Culture and Anti-Ragging Measures at UPES School of Law

The senior-junior culture at UPES School of Law is built on a foundation of respect, mentorship, and collaboration. Seniors play a pivotal role in guiding juniors through their academic journey, fostering a supportive learning environment. This culture is further strengthened by the university’s firm stance against ragging.

UPES has a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging and adheres to all the guidelines related to anti-ragging published by the UGC. The university has implemented several measures to prevent ragging and ensure the safety and well-being of all students:

  • Anti-Ragging Committee: A dedicated committee has been constituted to monitor and address any issues related to ragging. This committee ensures that students are not subjected to any physical or psychological harm1.
  • Awareness Programs: Regular awareness programs are conducted to educate students about the ill effects of ragging and the legal consequences associated with it.
  • 24/7 Helpline: A toll-free anti-ragging helpline is available for students to report any incidents or concerns related to ragging.
  • Strict Disciplinary Action: Any student found guilty of ragging faces strict disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the university.
  • Mandatory Affidavits: At the time of admission, all students and their parents are required to submit signed affidavits affirming their understanding of the anti-ragging policies and agreeing to abide by them.

These proactive steps taken by UPES demonstrate the institution’s commitment to maintaining a respectful and harmonious campus atmosphere, where students can thrive academically and socially without fear of ragging.

9. Conclusion and Rating

In conclusion, UPES School of Law is a leading institution offering a robust legal education. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and excellent facilities, it provides a conducive environment for legal studies. The university’s focus on specialized law programs and practical training ensures that its graduates are well-equipped for successful careers. The overall rating for UPES School of Law would be 4.5 out of 5, reflecting its commitment to excellence in legal education.

10. Reference

This article aims to provide a detailed overview of the School of Law at UPES, highlighting the key aspects that make it a premier destination for aspiring lawyers. The university’s dedication to nurturing legal minds is evident in every facet of its operation, from infrastructure to student life.

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