Best Law Books Book Review

Best Book For IPC To Prepare For Judiciary

public international law

This Article reviews and also gives insight into the Best Book For IPC

There are many books on IPC which are very useful and perfect to prepare for the judiciary.

However, Being a law student myself, I would suggest 3 books that would truly help you in IPC

These are the following :

1) Ratanlal & Dhirajlal : The Indian Penal Code 

I would personally recommend this for a thorough and complete Knowledge of IPC. You can start your Preparation of Judiciary from this book.

A very authentic sourced book and the Language used is very simple so you can grasp it easily.

The book is very detailed with proper explanations and enough case laws. It explains things from scratch.

It is very good for building concepts and also very useful for law students or those who are preparing for law-related competition exams

Why For Judiciary: All in All a complete guide to the judiciary

See and buy this Book from Amazon : Click here

2) Textbook on Indian Penal Code K.D. Gaur

This is the best book available for students to learn basic ideas on criminal law.

What makes this book unique is the comparative analysis. The development in other countries including judicial decisions has been covered.

It also provides relevant statistical data in many areas. It deals with and detailed and critical analysis of important decisions of the Supreme Court and High Courts.

Why For Judiciary: All in all, It’s full of details and the language is lucid. Very helpful in preparation.

See and buy this Book from Amazon: Click here

3) Criminal Manual: Cr.P.C., I.P.C. & Evidence 

The reddish-brown hardbound book published by Universal is 3 in one book.

A perfect and also a right-sized criminal manual with all the essential criminal laws ( IPC + CrPC + Evidence law ) given with proper illustrations. It is Must for those who are really interested in Criminal Law along with the judiciary.

It is said to be very useful when “Carried” to court and for fast and accurate research.

Why For Judiciary: All in all a kind of combination of all three bare acts with the summary. Useful for quick revision and quick reference whenever needed. It is quite handy and easy to carry!

See and buy this Book from Amazon: Click here

Other Best Book for IPC IN 2022 are as follow

  1. Indian Penal Code: By S.N Mishra
  2. Lectures on criminal law: By The Famous Rega Surya:
  3. B.M. Gandhi: Indian Penal Code-book
  4. R.K. Nelson: Indian Penal Code

However, What is an absolute must along with these books is a Bare Act for Referring the provisions

Hope it helped!

Conclusion on best book for IPC

As a student of IPC, in my Third year of law college, I have followed

  1. The Bare Act, Lexis Nexis
  2. Textbook on The Indian Penal Code by K D Gaur.
  3. Ratanlal & Dhirajlal and Indian Penal Code : S.N Mishra

One book that every Law Student should read: Nani Palkhivala: The Courtroom Genius : Click here to buy


WHY BUY: Contain all bare Acts also including IPC for the judiciary. Bare Act in both Hindi-English helps in the language translation paper in the judiciary.

See and buy this Book from Amazon: Click here

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