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What is Divorce Decree Modification

Divorce Decree Modification

The article “Understanding Divorce Decree Modification is written by Naphtal


When you are going through a divorce, you want to do everything possible to ensure you never have to revisit the process or deal with your ex-spouse again. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and you may have to modify your divorce decree.

A divorce decree is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of your divorce. It is essential to understand that this document can be changed if circumstances in your life or your ex-spouse’s life change.

There are many reasons why you may need to modify your divorce decree, but some of the most common include you or your ex-spouse remarrying, you or your ex-spouse having a child with someone else, your income changes significantly, your living situation changes, or you or your ex-spouse move to a new state.

This article discusses everything you need to know about divorce decree modification. Read on to learn more.

What Is a Divorce Decree Modification

A divorce decree modification is a formal request to the court to amend the terms of your divorce. This could include changing child custody arrangements, modifying child support payments, or altering spousal support agreements.

To modify your divorce decree, you will need to file a petition with the court and provide evidence that there has been a significant change in circumstance since the original decree was issued.

Once the petition is filed, a hearing will be scheduled where you and your ex-spouse can present your evidence and make your case for why the modification should be made.

The court will then decide whether or not to grant the modification, and, if so, what the new terms of the divorce decree will be.

How to Modify a Divorce Decree

If you want to modify your divorce decree, you will need to file a petition with the court. This can be done with the help of an attorney or on your own, only if you are well-versed in the understanding of family law or have learnt it.

In the petition, you must explain what changes you are requesting and why you believe these changes should be made.

You will also need to provide evidence to support your claims. This could include things like financial records, custody schedules, or letters from professionals such as therapists or counsellors.

Once the petition is filed, a hearing will be scheduled. At the hearing, you and your ex-spouse will have the opportunity to present your evidence and make your case for why the modification should be made.

The court will then decide whether or not to grant the modification and, if so, what the new terms of the divorce decree will be.

What to Do If Your Ex-Spouse Won’t Agree to a Modification

If you and your ex-spouse cannot agree on the terms of a modification, you can still file a petition with the court.

However, you will need to provide evidence to support your claims. This could include things like financial records, custody schedules, or letters from professionals such as therapists.

It is important to note that even if you and your ex-spouse cannot agree on the terms of a modification, the court still has the final say in whether or not the modification will be granted.

How to Enforce a Divorce Decree Modification

If your ex-spouse does not comply with the terms of a divorce decree modification, you can file a contempt of court action. This is a formal request that the court finds your ex-spouse in contempt for violating the terms of the divorce decree.

If the court finds your ex-spouse in contempt, they could be ordered to pay a fine, go to jail, or change their behavior.

Do I Need an Attorney to Modify My Divorce Decree?

While you are not required to have an attorney to modify your divorce decree, it is generally in your best interest to do so.

An attorney can help you navigate the legal process, protect your rights, and increase the chances that your petition is granted.

Keep in mind that it is one thing to show that circumstances have changed since the divorce decree was issued, but it is another to prove that these changes warrant a modification.

An experienced attorney will know how to present your case to the court and make the strongest argument for why a modification should be made.


If you are considering modifying your divorce decree, it is crucial to understand the process and what steps are involved.

The information provided in this blog post should give you a good starting point as you move forward with this process.

Keep in mind that litigation may be necessary to resolve the dispute if there is a disagreement between you and your ex-spouse about the modification.

If you have any questions or need help navigating the process, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced family law attorney for guidance.

Best Book to read about divorce, marriage or family law: Click here


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