
What Can I Do if My Child Is a Bully?

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This Article explains What Can you Do if your Child Is a Bully?


While it is only natural for children to tease and prank each other, there is a certain line that shouldn’t be crossed, and this is where playfulness turns into bullying.

Bullying may take several forms. There can be physical, verbal, relational and cyberbullying.

Why does a child become a bully?

There are several reasons for such kind of behaviour. 

  1. Kids may want to look tough, and like feeling superior to others;
  2. They might have seen an adult verbally or physically abuse somebody else;
  3. It’s a way for them to demonstrate their own emotions;
  4. Their self-esteem is too low;
  5. Somebody else is bullying them;
  6. It’s a method of attention-seeking.

What should I do if my child is a bully?

Bullying cannot be ignored and should be treated seriously. As a parent, you should be able to exert control over your child’s behavior for their own good. This is what parents can do to stop bullying at school.

1) Talk with your kid. Let them know that you are open to hearing their side of the story about the bullying accident. This does not mean you will tolerate the behavior, but you should give your child the benefit of the doubt and a chance to explain.

2) Speak about bullying. Your child may not realize that their behavior is wrong. You can share your own experience of being bullied or discuss fairy tales, such as Cinderella.

What Can I Do if My Child Is a Bully

3) Teach empathy. Ask your child how they would feel if bullied. Encourage them to think about the impact of their actions on others.

4) Give positive reinforcement. Research shows that positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment. When your child does something good, praise them to encourage this kind of behavior. While punishment may sometimes be effective, it could also teach your kid that it’s acceptable to hurt others if they don’t do what you want.

5) Stay informed.  Sometimes parents are too busy to talk to their children. It is important to ask your child about their day and if everything is okay. Sometimes children bully others because somebody else is bullying them. 

6) Talk to your kid’s teachers. Teachers see things at school that you don’t see at home. Your child might be struggling with their academics or with socializing with other students.

7) Help your child improve their self-esteem. Remind them how great they are or how good they look. This will boost their mood and build their confidence. Low self-esteem is often related to poor academic performance. You can help your child with their lessons by using educational videos, worksheets and learning games that you can find on the Kids Academy website.

8) Set a good example. Because you are a parent, your child will look up to you, so be a good role model. You must also ensure that your child is free from any kind of violent environment and lives in a secure and happy home.

You should support our child’s efforts to change for the better. Show your love for them, but let them know you won’t tolerate bullying behavior. If your kid’s behavior doesn’t seem to be changing, it is a good idea to seek professional assistance.

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