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Basic Points To Keep In Mind When You Hire A Skip Bin In Sydney

Basic Points To Keep In Mind When You Hire A Skip Bin In Sydney

Skip bins are a great way to get rid of large quantities of waste, such as green waste, or unwanted materials or items, all at once. This saves you from having to go to the dump multiple times. Skip bins are available in many sizes depending on the amount of waste or material that you want to get rid of. Skip bins are measured in cubic meters and range in size from 2 to 30 cubic meters. When you hire a skip bin in Sydney like Skip Bin Finder you are opting for a service that will deliver them to your site and collect them after a specified time.

What are the factors that affect the cost of a skip bin?

The cost of hiring a skip can be affected by:

  • Skip bins are available in different types.
  • What materials are being disposed of?
  • Where you live
  • Distance to the dump site

How long do you need the card?

Some skip bin companies charge by the day, others charge for a week or other periods. Choose a bin provider that is located near your home to avoid additional transportation costs.

What is the cost of hiring a bin across different states?

The average cost of a skip bin varies according to where you are located in Australia.

  • The cheapest skip rental in Queensland is around $50 per m3.
  • New South Wales has the highest price per m3 at $89
  • The cost of a skip in Victoria is approximately $75 per m3.

To get an idea of the local price, you can ask for quotes from a few skip bin rental services in your region. You will get a more accurate quote if you provide more details about your project, including the type of skip bin that you require.

What can be thrown away in a bin for skips?

Skip bins can be hired to remove mixed waste or specific types. Skip bins can be hired for:

  • General waste includes light household waste, light construction or office waste
  • Mixed heavy waste including demolition, construction, and renovation materials
  • Green waste includes grass, leaves and tree trimmings as well as weeds, bark, weeds, and small branches.

If you need to remove materials like concrete, soil or bricks, it may be necessary to hire a skip. The skip bin company will let you know what kind of skip you require.

What cannot you throw in a skip?

Not everything can go in a skip. You should not use them for:

  • Materials such as asbestos and chemicals which need to be disposed properly
  • Food waste and organic materials that decompose rapidly
  • Tires, glass bottles, and other recyclable materials
  • Paints and oils that should be brought to an oil recycling facility

Ask these questions before hiring a skip.

Make sure you fully understand your contract before you sign. You can use this list of questions as a guide to help you negotiate your skip hire:

  • What type of waste does your company accept?
  • Is there a maximum weight capacity for the skip bin?
  • Does a ‘clean-fill’ load (a load that contains only one type of material), qualify for a discount?
  • Do you offer discounts if your skip bin company is able to sell the waste?
  • What are the costs of removing unusual or dangerous items?
  • What items cannot be placed in a skip bin? (such as paint, batteries or asbestos)

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